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4 Treatment Options for Neck Pain

4 Treatment Options for Neck Pain

Neck pain often has a postural or functional source, a problem stemming from muscle and other soft tissue injuries. It can result from trauma, such as a sports injury or a car accident. Various forms of arthritis could also be behind your discomfort. 

Since the neck supports your head and interacts with your shoulders, there are plenty of ways pain can start. More importantly, there are plenty of ways to resolve your pain, depending on the cause and severity of your condition. 

Visit Atlas Neurosurgery and Spine Center for diagnosis and treatment of your neck pain condition. We’ll match modalities to your body’s specific needs, whether it’s conservative care for a minor injury or more complex treatments for chronic pain. We’re neck pain specialists, standing by to help you. 

Common causes of neck pain 

The neck’s biggest task is supporting the head while allowing it to move easily. Given that the average person’s head weighs about the same as a bowling ball, it’s easy to recognize the importance of balance. In the body, good balance is synonymous with posture. When you’re sitting or standing with good posture, it’s easy for the muscles and soft tissue to manage the load, since most of the weight of your head is balanced atop your spine. 

Poor posture and muscle strain are likely the reasons behind occasional neck pain problems. Without attention to the underlying causes, you might experience chronic problems, including compressed nerves, herniated discs, or degenerative disc disease. 

Posture issues may also lead to premature wear on neck joints, called osteoarthritis. Damage from joint injuries can contribute to this form of arthritis too, and sometimes aging is the reason for joint deterioration. 

4 treatment options for neck pain 

Physical therapy

Through the use of targeted exercise, physical therapy seeks to reduce pain while increasing the range of motion in the neck. It also addresses the strength of muscles that support the neck, relieving some of the load that’s placed on cervical vertebrae.

Prescription medication

While over-the-counter drugs can help manage pain and inflammation connected with neck pain, prescription medications have a place in your treatment. Antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and muscle relaxants can also reduce symptoms as you work through neck pain recovery. 

Cervical epidural injections

Corticosteroid injections into the cervical spine provide long-lasting pain relief as well as powerful anti-inflammatory effects that can improve your quality of life. Steroids can create side effects when overused, so the frequency of injections is limited. 


Conservative treatments aren’t always enough for full relief, and degenerative conditions like arthritis eventually need more aggressive intervention. That’s when we’ll discuss surgical options. The procedure you need depends on the nature of your neck pain. At Atlas Neurosurgery and Spine Center, we routinely offer neck procedures including: 

Request an appointment online or call our office to schedule a consultation. In Scottsdale, Atlas Neurosurgery and Spine Center is your first option for neck pain. Book your visit today. 

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